Friday, 17 March 2017

Day 15 - 15 year old girls!

Ah, the joy of being 15! We had eight 15 year old girls in the house tonight. Well, I say 'we', but somehow I'd arranged E's birthday pizza night for a Friday evening when Neil was out of town. Nice one. 

Things weren't made easier by the fact I left work later than I meant to. I dashed into the supermarket to get a few things ... well food, actually... scooted home to drop them in the hope I wouldn't be too late for K from school only to find our hairdresser had already arrived and was in the kitchen cutting M's hair. Luckily she was still in the middle of it so I dashed out again to get K only to be hauled up by the school club supervisor relating how she had to take K and two friends to task about running round the school after hours. 

So glad I took E's advice and bought her a birthday cake, rather than following up on my foolish plan to make her one when I got back from work!! 

Anyway, nearly 16 pizzas were eaten by said girls. 16! And they screeched and squawked and shrieked and belly laughed the whole evening long. Amazing. And slightly irritating whilst watching the wonderful Hunt for the Wilderpeople movie - but hey! It was her birthday party after all.

(I haven't even managed to hang this heart yet, but plan to leave it outside the Round Chapel near the 'Bridges Not Walls' banner welcoming refugees. It's the slightly wonky result of an experimental blending of pony beads with a variety of recycled material. We are all imperfect people making our imperfect way in life. And some of us will end up as refugees at some point. Get over it.)

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