Saturday 8 March 2014


How lovely it is to have sunshine and blue skies after what feels like months and months of rain. I know we've had it easy in London but even here the drudgery of grey skies and dampness has really worn me down. I must remind myself it's bound to be a blip because otherwise the snow/rain/sleet/hail we often have in March/April is just too depressing, but at least the sun is heeeeeere and it's warm and lovely.

I decided that I really must drop my hearts in the day time. They need day light to be captured properly. Though I am still in two minds about photographing. And blogging. A friend has given up social media for Lent. I found it shocking to hear that. Partly because she's a commensurate social media type, and I am always so impressed with people giving stuff up for Lent which is going to be actually painful for them. And partly because she's about the only person, bar my sister, who reads any of these ramblings.

Someone at work, when I told her about this project, said 'Who reads the blog?'. And I had to admit: not anyone really. My mum does when she can navigate her way to it. R does when I send her a link. A couple of others may read one post I stick up on Facebook. But that's about it. I reassured her that I didn't mind that and it wasn't the point. And on one hand I do think that. I treat it a bit more like a journal than a magazine article. But on the other hand, and I hate to admit this, I have a part of me which yearns for fame. Not celebrity. But to be known. To be noticed and taken seriously. To be an expert at something. Which is strange as I've always been an 'all rounder'. Jackofalltrades. Master of None. And I don't like it about myself. But in this world of social media pretty much anyone can make a mark for themselves, out there. But every time I spend more than a couple of hours in front of a blog or FB or twitter etc I get so wound up: by the time I've spent, by the lack of productivity, by the feeling of being sucked into myriad different dead ends of information. Maybe everyone who wants to be famous also wants it instantly and without the hard work attached. Mmmm even more worrying.

This one is on the railings of our church steps. The Round Chapel is our community of faith and home to an amazing bunch of people. When I left this I was slightly dreading having to spend a whole Saturday (10.30am-7.30pm!!) for a Lent 'away day'. It certainly felt like it was going to be a Lenten discipline. But I'm writing this on Saturday evening and really it's been an extremely life affirming, inspiring, laughter fuelled, spiritually engaging event and I am eating humble pie.

1 comment:

  1. I share the blogging attitude/sentiments. Don't expect anyone to read, but when there's evidence that they have, it's like a little gift.

    Loving seeing the hearts! Thank you!
