Sunday 30 March 2014

20. 21. 22.

Oh yes a triple cheater day! And on a Sunday when I'm sposed to be having a rest day anyway! (Maybe someone cld explain why in Lent you don't count Sundays. And is it true then that you don't have to keep up your Heart discipline/giving up chocolate/eschewing social media for those Sundays?? Or is this Not In The Spirit of Lent?).

First up I left one at The Manse. To brighten up the Lent of the minister and her husband. But I noticed that someone else had got there before me! Ms Showalter perhaps? Or Ms Lawrence? Nice crocheted heart though. And from the peaceable yarn army it seems. Ms Showalter then. 

Then on to leave one on the Gold Door. Or Number 33 as its also known. It's seen some action that gold door. And inside that door today I was privileged to receive a long hug from a beautiful woman who immediately made me cry as I thought back to some of that action. Good to catch up with friends old and new. 

And finally I stuck another on the Olympic apple trees having noticed that my previous one has been removed. It's a double triple cheater day today. 

But I quite like the door thing. Nearly left one on both Honey's and Hugh's doors today. Neighbours of mine who I hardly know. But I don't want to freak them out. I'll have to contemplate this possibility closer I think.   

1 comment:

  1. Word on the street is the the pink one was retrieved from the rubbish bin after the V-Day drop... :)
