Sunday, 25 March 2012

The power of worms

I remember when I became the proud 'owner' of a house, which had a postage stamped size garden to boot, I quickly invested in a compost bin. I became a bit evangelical about it. I couldn't believe how much waste I saved from the black bin liners and how you could pile it in day after day and the bin would never fill up. It was a bit like magic. The reverse of the never ending jug of oil. But the really awesome thing was that, after a while, when you could no longer stand the mystery of where all those potato peelings went to, what you found in the bottom was not a murky smelly muck heap, but thick gooey rich brown chocolately pure 'soil'. And these are the wonderful creatures responsible. We moved our compost bin today (3rd time in 4 years: I wouldn't recommend it!) and in doing so uncovered the countless pink wrigglers, sometimes in dense writhing masses, all just getting on with chewing and pooing. Which is how, I understand, they make vegetable waste into compost. Marvellous.

1 comment:

  1. Chewing and pooing... Love it.
    We sadly had problems with rats!
