Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Bikes in Broadway Market

Ye hay! The Boris Bikes have come to our part of town. Not quite on the doorstep, but Hackney nevertheless. The guys putting them in told me they'd had someone come up and say 'These? In Hackney? I'll give 'em a couple of days before they're all in the canal'! But several weeks later and they're all there still. And, apart from a marked increased in wobbly bikers who don't know what they're doing forming a public hazard on the tow path down on the canal, all seems to be well. Certainly the guys who were trying them out today seemed to be impressed at the very limits to which they could be pushed (I didn't stop around to see if they were going to investigate their floating properties). Very exciting. Now all I have to do is get my electric key replaced - it fell to pieces and the chip fell out - so I can enjoy them in my back yard.

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