Wednesday, 21 March 2012

more trees

Is it surprising that many of the pictures I take in the city are of trees? Would I take so many pictures of trees if I lived in the country? I do love them. I remember going to see an uncle of Neil's down on the south coast once. He lived (still does) in a suburban, detached house, a bungalow if I remember correctly, with a little bit of garden around it. Well, a lot of garden in comparison to ours in London, but I remember thinking it wasn't huge in contrast to the garden I grew up in. He took us on a grand tour of the garden to show us all the trees he'd planted. Over 50 different species, apparently. They looked lovely but I did have my sensible hat on, so I said 'What will you do when they get too big for the space?'. He looked astonished at the question and laughed the laugh of someone already in his seventies. 'Well it won't be my problem' he said. I quite like that rather cavalier attitude to tree planting. Though I think when you see trees planted well, and well tended, there is something even more impressive. That someone had the foresight to do it properly seems incredible to me. Not even sure what these ones are, but they look amazing in the winter with their bare braches towering into the blue sky on a sunny spring day, keeping watch, as they do, over a corner of one of those lovely London squares.

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