Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Day 12 - recycling

Today's heart is a little on the recycled side. It may not last through Lent, but hey ho.

Early on in Lent I heard about nurdles. Tiny pieces of plastic escaping (literally) from the chain which sees fossil fuels make plastic stuff. And they are washing up on our beaches. And poisoning all the animals everywhere.

Why was I making new plastic stuff when I could be recycling old plastic stuff?

So I have been doing a bit of experimenting. But it isn't pretty...

All the see-through plastic I used either shrivelled completely or just remain, untouched by 30 minutes at 210 degrees. Which is worrying in itself, right?

Some white bottles melted just about enough to make a heart shape. And the green bottle caps of milk bottles seems just about to work.

But not much else.

It would make for a pretty boring Lent. If they're all green. And disintegrate the moment I put them up. Which I know are not two reasons big enough to not persevere with recycling. But in the deep recesses of my unreconstructed non-eco part of me I just think the non recycled ones are soooo pretty. I can't help it.

Today's is a nod to the fact I should be a better person and love recycled more. But tomorrow's will be a blatant reminder that I quite often prefer convenience and beauty over reuse and refashion. And in the mean time I'm trying to tell myself that I'm taking small plastic pony beads out of circulation, and making them into something no self respecting seal is ever going to mistake for food.

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