Could have posted a couple of pics today. One had Milo on top of a chair, on top of our up-turned table, on top of the car roof. Got a few concerned looks as we trundled Great Grandma's table down the M25 to its next home, at big sister's brand new, purpose built, small mansion sized vicarage. It made a good noise with all the rigging in the wind and we said it was crying because it had never been out of London in its long life.
Then nice afternoon in the sun at aged parents'. Lots of great kids and neices and nephews etc (not to mention the parentals!) Families always feel good in the sunshine!
This was the snap that made it. Nice to see my 2 lovely nephews jamming away. Even though there's a big age gap they seemed pretty happy with the team they made. The younger providing percussion when he didn't know the cords. And the lovely niece them later. Quite a family Von Trapp really!
awww, very thoughtful and a brilliant entry. xxxx
ReplyDeleteso much 'stuff' happens, externally and internally on even a brief visit to 'family' doesn't it?!