Saturday, 19 April 2014


I rather like this one. I hope the tow path users do too as I left it on an empty mooring down by Daubney Bridge. The marshes are do lively in the spring / just bursting with new life and new possibilities. There's a beauty and a freshness in its wildness that you don't see all year round. There's a photo competition being advertised: What do you love about the Marshes? I am quite tempted by going out with a camera but at the same time struggle to think how you capture anything of the enormity and diversity. Am thinking a lot of Chris and Naomi on their count down to NYC. They'll only be a couple of blocks away from Central  Park. I wonder which is bigger? Maybe that's a dim question but I don't actually know the answer! Certainly one has more kudos, fame and notoriety but I feel perry happy to have a Hackney Marshes on my doorstep. 

Bizarrely (does this always happen?) I feel slightly sad that I won't be leaving hearts around the place anymore. Maybe I should do this sort of thing a bit more spontaneously instead of feeling the necessity of a discipline? Would that defeat the object? I am not sure that in all the 40 days I still have a good handle on this whole Lent thing. Maybe next year that should be my priority? 

Slightly daunted by the prospect of a very early start tomorrow morning. Especially as I have not contributed very much to the yarn bomb. Still the baking on offer is pretty tempting. (No definitely haven't got this Lent thing nailed).

Friday, 18 April 2014


I feel like I've got a bit lazy. Or maybe it's an indication of the small circles I move in: down to the school, down to the church; down to the shops.  These things are close to our house and take me on the same streets again and again. So on my way to church for this Good Friday and passing the lovely fruit trees planted as part of the Olympic gentrification I just can't resist putting a trinity of hearts on a tree there. 

Valerie and I conducted a rather brilliant Sunday School for Good Friday: 5 (and a half!) stations of the cross. A mennonite and a confirmed reformist pull off stations of the cross for kids: 'Only at Clapton Park!' It was really nice and kids were really engaged. And that was even without leaving time for the cartoon stations of the cross video from Proost. 

We finished it off at home with some hot cross buns which seemed rather fitting. 

Thursday, 17 April 2014


Oh a sneaky one left on Doris's gate at 10.30pm tonight. I was a bit worried I'd freak her out but I think I was quiet enough to not disturb her. We missed her at the Maundy Thursday meal tonight and I'm suddenly wondering if its because she doesn't like to go out later these days - we could have picked her up if I'd thought about it before. 

Nice moment tonight when Kaspar ran up to the chairs set up for foot washing to be first in line!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


I was graciously served by two fabulous women from my community today. Talk about being dug out of a hole?! 

At 9.40 am I had a car full of kids ready to wing over to Walthamstow for a gym camp. K had finally agreed to give it a go. E and A were on day 2 of 3. Poor Mr M was just along for the ride. The car wouldn't start. For the first time in 7 years  our hulk of VW let me down. 

I frantically called people I thought may be able to help out. I knew the public transport option would just take too long to figure out (it's a 3 bus journey - or a complicated mix of transportation). So having a kind offer of the Minister's car (but not the insurance to drive it) the lovely Annabelle stepped in and not only had to ask her friend if she minded me staying at home with her son on his play date, but also had to take H in the car with her since she looked very unhappy about the prospect of being left with me! 

All this she did with grace and understanding - as though it happens all the time. Even though she does much more schlepping on public transport than I do - and with toddlers on tow too - and should have laughed me out of town. 

And later on, with the battery truly dead and un-revivable the equally lovely Mrs T abandoned her lunchtime preparations for a daughter newly retuned from New York to take me over there to pick the kids up. 

It is good to live with such people on these streets of Hackney. Just wish there a bloody gym class nearby!!

So, having left one of these hearts on the gold door of A earlier this Lent (I should ask whether she ever found it) I left this one on R's door. Not with any reference intended for not quite persevering with the heart project, but simply to say thank you. (Especially as I finally got the sewing machine out to embellish them and that was, after all, her inspiration!). 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


I mentioned at tea that I hadn't done my heart yet and that I didn't want to miss it today. And Mr Middle says - just go out now mum. You can leave it on our garden fence. So, a few hours later as our visitors are being turfed out into the frosty moonlit air that's exactly what I did. 

Monday, 14 April 2014


Kiddies play park is for Monday of Holy Week. I don't go there much these days. I guess when your kids are at school they suddenly are running around all day and need less park space to let off steam. It's great that Clapton Square has been refurbed though to give the older kids a good play space. And especially as its not segregated so littlies can play with older ones too. 

Said goodbye to those Lawrences today. E went off after to have a little cry and it felt v sad to watch all 4 of them walk away from us down the road. Still, they will have am amazing time and Claptons loss is East Harlem's gain. 

Sunday, 13 April 2014


OK. I am promising myself this is the last catch up. For the last week of Lent I will try to do my daily discipline of heart-leaning. 

I feel embarrassed by my lack of imagination, finding myself leaving this on the railings of the Round Chapel today. But somehow the heart/building picture is appropriate as today we formally said goodbye to our dear friends Chris and Naomi who have finally got the visas and booked the plane tickets for a New Life in New York. The Round Chapel has been a key place for them: where Chris worked for 10 years; where he said goodbye to Ali; where he fell in love with Naomi. 

So it was only right that he should lead the Palm Sunday service today; that we should pray them on their way, sing them 'May the Road Rise Up to Meet You', and give them a great Clapton Park lunch to remember us by. Not a dry eye in the house. 

Saturday, 12 April 2014

31. 32. 33

Marshes, marshes and marshes for these 3. Bit of a catch up. One on the railing by the Lea. One on the bridge to Eton Manor. One on the lovely orange bridge into the Olympic Park. Which for some inexplicable reason remains closed. Why us that? Our lovely family cycle ride was slightly derailed and we had to brave the main road and wait for 3 green 'men' to get into the Park. Very much looking forward to being able to cycle straight there - it's so close and so fab!


Cheat No 1. Ask your daughter to stick it on a railing at Homerton station because you're gonna be busy at work all day. 

Amazingly she remembered. And Grandma even took a picture if it but it'll take another few weeks before I get a copy so this picture of it on the kitchen table will have to suffice. 

I hope the computers are enjoying it. 

Wednesday, 9 April 2014


Just been to an inspiring exhibition of photographs and stories of African peace builders at the very lovely Friends House. An incredible selection of extraordinary ordinary people turning pain and violence around as 'the light pushes' them to do make peace with perpetrators or stand with others who've been a used. Beautiful.

We were challenged to think about the stories and what the 'light pushes' us to do. I think probably it should be pushing me to do a whole lot more than leaving hearts around the place. 

And I didn't leave this one there. Euston's not Hackney! I left it on the 'back side' of the Round Chapel - remembering Naomi and the Chapel sleepers Cottage days. 

Tuesday, 8 April 2014


Hackney Marshes for some twigs for an Easter tree - sort of like a Christmas tree but smaller. And Spring-ier. I think Mr Middle got excited because for a minute he was thinking about that other seasonal tree and hoping that this one might also have presents under it one day. But not hopeful enough to actually come with me and Eldest on our bikes to get the branches.  He had decided upon a pyjama day and there was nothing to shake him out of that. 

The bikes at least meant this one's left nearly as far away as they get from Heart Central (aka home). The River Lea no less. Or the Lee Navigation to be precise. Though I'm never all that sure where one begins and the other ends. 

Saturday, 5 April 2014


Surreptitiously left on the gold star tree outside the deli. R left her first (and only?!) on the deli shutters but I think it got removed pretty quickly. Maybe this one will be left if not on their property - and perhaps spotted by some hipsters on market day on Chatsworth Road tomorrow. 

One day I'd like to do a treasure hunt type street art thang - where you leave a number of hearts/stars and have a trail for people to follow/discover. With a prize at the end! I should really just get on with all these ideas but feel I need a partner in crime who'll carry it with me. Maybe I could advertise for one?! 

Friday, 4 April 2014


Another at Rushmore School. This time on the Chatsworth Road side. Mind you I saw the kids pouring out of the gates at the end of the day and the Easter holidays were a bit of a major distraction - much too much excitement for noticing any street art! 

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Left this (much to dahlin daughters embarrassment) on Clapton Girls Academy railings. Luckily we were so late for Millfields concert there that no one spotted us. Shame CGA don't have a choir - lots of great singing and playing tonight. Liking the advent of electric on the guitars section. Go Geno!

Feeling like Lent is long. Nearly 'over' the whole crafty hearts thang. Trying out caged/embroidery floss eggs tomorrow at Crafty Ladeez. It was fun to try out but they're a bit too delicate for me (ie they looked great for about 5 minutes before smallest child found them!). 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


This one's on the Little Lending Library on our old street. It's fab little place to exchange books and notes. I think the guy that looks after it is a bit proprietorial though (is that a word?!) so who knows if it'll still be there tomorrow morning.