Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Birthdays and christmas all rolled into one

Days 4 and 5 brought birthdays and Christmas colliding, bizarrely, in a mixture of beautiful sunny bright 'spring' days and overcast cold ones. The bunting is made by yours truly and goes up for every birthday celebrated in our house. This time was the first time we put it up in our new kitchen. Ye hay! Room for the 10 year old disco divas to strut their stuff later on too. 
The tree is just off Chatsworth Road - and the photo doesn't show that it's actually quite tall. No mean feat, then, for the person who decided to deck the boughs with Christmas baubles which still hang there now bringing a mix of jollity and seediness to its bare winter branches.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Hope is beautiful

Day 3 (posted at the cusp of day 6). It's busy down Islington way on that Regents Canal. Shopping trolleys taking a dip and book shop barges and lots of street art. Hope is indeed beautiful, but as we found when we tried to 'beautify' another rather run down area of urban concrete, not everyone will think this is beautiful. Actually on days like these you don't need grafitti to brighten the place up - the sun is out, the sky is blue, everyone's chilling down on the water's edge with their babies and their beers. Shame mine is only a dash through it all on my bike there and back...

Trolly Thursday

Q: when you're doing a lent blog with a picture for every day are you allowed to back date?? If crochet-ed trees were what took my (Lynda's) eye on Wednesday, Thursday was trolly day. Art? Or science? It was in the Islington bit of the Regent Canal so surely not wanton vandalism? 

Monday, 27 February 2012

Lynda-come-lately to Lent

A desire to somehow extend our gold-starred 'advent adventure' and an email from a colleague at work spurred us on to doing 'something in Lent'. Well Ash Wednesday was nearly a week ago and I've only just had a spare moment to post. But the image that jumped out at me that Wednesday was priceless. It's not every day you happen across a tree wrapped in a crochet blanket. That day there were several in fact, but this was by far the pinkest/purplest. Outside Hackney Town Hall of all places. The next day they were gone. I hope back to the genius grafitti crochet-er, but I fear they may be in a skip somewhere thanks to over zealous anti-grafitti staff in the Council... anyone know??

Sunday, 26 February 2012


Forgotten treasures, badly stored,
now sidelined for the shiny and new.
Pirate sails for the ship that sailed mighty tarmac sea
waiting for the next little ones ready to explore, 
before they grow up.
A sad cupboard of yesterday`s adventures... waiting for a fresh start.